This picture was took by myself in Hyde Park looking to the sky with the Japanese effect.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Comparing My Trip and Hong Kong.
In this blog, I will be talking about what was different and what was the same about the places I went during my trip and Hong Kong. So, let's start off with the different things about Hong Kong. I have said a lot in my previous blogs that European are really nice to us and treated us as if we weren't tourists. Another different thing is in Europe it only starts to get dark when it is around 10 pm. So, I usually think 8 pm in Ireland is 4 pm in Hong Kong. I get muddled up really easily. So, we went to Stonehenge for a whole day and we totally forgot about the time and thought it was still the afternoon.
What I enjoy and hate about London
Recently, I went to London for at least 5 days and there are a lot of different things between Hong Kong and London. So let's start off with what I enjoy about London and how it's different to Hong Kong.
What I Enjoy about London
1. Local citizens of London treat you really well and was always eager to help you out with everything you do. They are really friendly.
2. They give you really specific directions of where to go and specific spots where you can see wherever you want to go.
3. London is a very beautiful place for scenery.
What I Enjoy about London
1. Local citizens of London treat you really well and was always eager to help you out with everything you do. They are really friendly.
2. They give you really specific directions of where to go and specific spots where you can see wherever you want to go.
3. London is a very beautiful place for scenery.
A sunny day at London
What I Don't Enjoy about London
1. The Tube, which is also called The Underground, is really dirty and smelly. It makes you want to throw up.
2. Please don't stay up in the middle of the night, please dont. You will regret. You why? People scream and shout swear words in the middle of the night.
3. London is very strict about security and getting into London takes a long time.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
How to get a good life in Ireland
My first thought of Ireland was that it was a very cold place and their really interesting Irish accents. But once I got there, I found out that Ireland was actually a really clean place. Everywhere was clean and tidy and the people treat you really well. One time when we were walking back to my friend's house in Ireland with my friends, my sister and my dad, a driver asked if we want to take a lift in his car for free back to my friend's house. My dad said no need because we were near the house anyway.
Once we got back into house, we instantly told my mum about this. This was a big difference between Ireland and other places around the world. Irish people are really nice and kind to us. But in Hong Kong, people are really nasty. Another big contrast in Ireland was that the sun goes down at 11 pm at night so we always have to sleep really late in the night. I guess around 2 pm. We went to a few places. For example, we went to the Cliffs of Moher, and some pretty big lakes. The picture above is a picture of Italy not Ireland.
During this trip we also helped out our friend do his farming work, like lawn mowing, slug killing and night exploring. To tell the truth, being a farmer is a really tough life but we went there for a week so we did the farming for fun which was really exciting. But lawn mowing was extremely dangerous with the razor blades slicing the grass. So we had to be EXTREMELY careful with what we were doing.
We also hanged out a lot with my old best friend called Casper. We had the same personality until he went to Ireland. Even though he didn't change a lot he feels lonely in Ireland. Ireland was the best part of this trip.
Well, I still don't know what life actually was in Ireland.
During this trip we also helped out our friend do his farming work, like lawn mowing, slug killing and night exploring. To tell the truth, being a farmer is a really tough life but we went there for a week so we did the farming for fun which was really exciting. But lawn mowing was extremely dangerous with the razor blades slicing the grass. So we had to be EXTREMELY careful with what we were doing.
We also hanged out a lot with my old best friend called Casper. We had the same personality until he went to Ireland. Even though he didn't change a lot he feels lonely in Ireland. Ireland was the best part of this trip.
Well, I still don't know what life actually was in Ireland.
Friday, June 26, 2015
EVERYTHING GOOD and BAD about "Jurrasic World"
Jurrasic World is a movie which came out in June 12 2015, which was supposed to be a sequel to Jurrasic Park. But of course, those two movies were totally unrelated. Even though, this movie was an amazing movie and I enjoyed it myself. But, here is EVERYTHING WRONG about Jurrasic World.
1. So, there was a bit in the movie where Clarrie and the two boys where being chased by 4 raptors (also known as midget T Rex). Clarrie squashed one of the raptors to the side and the other raptor got killed by the taser. Then the last two raptors ran into the bushes. Here is the bit which doesn't make sense...BUT I THOUGHT TWO OF THE RAPTORS WERE KILLED!!! Mind = BLOWN!
2. During the movie, the T-Rex were chasing Zac and Craig. They jumped into the water to reduce the trace of thermo heat in their body so the T Rex cant find them. Once they landed into the water, they decided to hold hands, here is the problem, how can they hold hands without looking at where their hands are?
3. Another part of the movie was when the movie never talked about Gate 19 of a T Rex and they suddenly say to open it which didn't make any sense because they never even talked about any gates.
4. The worse part of the movie was when the kids near us started talking and annoying their parents about the dinosaurs in the movie, when a dinosaur gave birth and when a dinosaur. The kids would shout out loud and gets all hyped. But, this disturbs me and my sister a lot and we started to get a little pissed. So we gave a lot of shh
5. The story line doesn't make sense, Sometimes the raptors are one the humans side and sometimes they are not. They should make the both sides make sense.
There were a lot of unrealistic bits in the movie, the bit when the two boys were stuck in a hamster ball, it is impossible for it to move like a hamster ball, there is no air inside the ball for the two boys to breathe in. In the part where the whale dinosaur was also very unrealistic. It's tails and face looks like It had a disease. So, suggestions...

I think they should make the story line more child friendly because when I went to watch the movie, there half the theater was filled with kids, who only talks about the dinosaur fighting scenes, nothing related to the story line. The only people in the theater which understands the story is me and my sister. Seriously. Even the adults don't get it. I overheard another family saying that the movie was very enthusiastic. But, personally I find this movie too action packed. I think in any dinosaur movie,
would have a part where the main character is hiding from the dinosaur.
The main good things in this movie is the human acting dinosaurs and the detail of every single dinosaur. The detail of the T-Rex's teeth was impossibly realistic. Even though the T-Rex's feet weren't realistic at all. The actors was also pretty good, laying out it's weaknesses and every single character's strength. It was pretty obvious that Owen was a bad ass, Zack likes girls, Craig likes dinosaurs.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
A day in a Life with Enoch : Sports, Sports, Sports, CS:GO
I had a very weird day in this Easter holiday, we did sports for a really long time. For like most of the day, so it was very tiring. So this is how it went out:
We went to play Badminton in the sports center down the road, we played for an hour, and it was lots of fun. Everybody found out the inner peace of my badminton skills. Nobody knows that. So they were so surprised and they booked time slots for the coming days, which is awesome.
After that, we ate lunch in a restaurant called Cafe 100%. The food is fine and we had like really long boring chats about after school activities. But I was entertained. So I was fine. We then went for a hour long hike, which was really fun but my sister got a stressed and started going all annoying. I guess that's what sisters do...
We then came home and play CS:GO and Tanki and it was really fun (obviously)
Thursday, April 2, 2015
How to Chinese New Year...
Some of you might not even know what Chinese New Year is. Chinese New Year is like a celebration for a new year. Well, In this blog I will teach you "How to Chinese New Year." Here are 10 steps to Chinese New Year, and a little bit about my Chinese New Year too.
So First, you need to buy a big box filled with candy so you when visitors come to your house, you can stuff their mouth with food. If you think that this is weird, this is actually the traditional Chinese way to do in Chinese New Year. Here is a image of what it looks like:

Secondly, you have to prepare a lot of money to put into packets, also known as Lai See packets. Lai See packets are not expensive. In our
So First, you need to buy a big box filled with candy so you when visitors come to your house, you can stuff their mouth with food. If you think that this is weird, this is actually the traditional Chinese way to do in Chinese New Year. Here is a image of what it looks like:

Secondly, you have to prepare a lot of money to put into packets, also known as Lai See packets. Lai See packets are not expensive. In our
Island V.S Kitchee EPIC TOURNAMENT!!!
On Saturday, my team played against a team called Kitchee. Kitchee is known as Hong Kong's strongest football team and we are against them. We were worried before the tournament started because Kitchee has played many teams out of Hong Kong. (Including Taiwan and Philippines) So, on the day we did final practices for 2 whole hours and Kitchee only for 30 minutes. So we were more prepared then them, which gave us a advantage.
The tournament started and we scored one goal, then Kitchee scored one goal back. Soon, it was half time which means we need to take a break and get some water to drink. Soon the second part started. Our coach and all of us were worried if we can actually win this tournament. In result, we did. We won by 2 :1. So we learned that the best tactic in football is to be more prepared every single match, I wonder will it actually help us through our coming teams... They obviously be more powerful and stronger then Kitchee. But, we are ready for them... Aren't we? Leave in the comments saying what you think we will do? We can win or lose?
The tournament started and we scored one goal, then Kitchee scored one goal back. Soon, it was half time which means we need to take a break and get some water to drink. Soon the second part started. Our coach and all of us were worried if we can actually win this tournament. In result, we did. We won by 2 :1. So we learned that the best tactic in football is to be more prepared every single match, I wonder will it actually help us through our coming teams... They obviously be more powerful and stronger then Kitchee. But, we are ready for them... Aren't we? Leave in the comments saying what you think we will do? We can win or lose?
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Kingsman: The Secret Service Movie Review
Today, I watched a movie called Kingsman: The Secret Service the movie. This movie is based on a comic book turned into a movie, and here is a review about this movie, and hope you enjoy!!! So, this movie is as said in the title that it is all about a secret service called Kingsman which is very old fashioned and is very secret about what they do.
I enjoyed this movie because it had really good editing and a really good start to catch the audience's attention of what is going to happen next. Even though, there was a lot of swearing, the jokes wear pretty funny. Sometimes they are inappropriate but most of them are not. The start of the movie was actually quite sad and worrying. But, the ending wasn't as good as I thought. But usually endings are bad so I cant say that.
What I don't think was really bad but can be improved is the plot of the story. Some of us might not even know what the story line of this movie is. I know that this movie is following the comic, but movies always change a little bit so I suggest you change the plot. I don't think the plot actually make much sense. SPOLIERS ALERT!!! because Valentine (the bad guy) give SD cards with free internet free calls and free WiFi but why is there SD cards or chips into people's necks.
Kings man : The secret Service was better than I thought because I expected the movie to be all fighting and beating people up and laughing madly. But, in result I got a movie with fighting but not non-stop, drugs, crime, bullying, spies, and gore. I am not a fan of gore and blood because it just makes you want to vomit and in the movie the villian actually threw up orange stuff out of his mouth causing it to gross us out. It was not a pleasant experience.
My friends thought it was actually really good and that even the trailer was really good. It was actually very
Sunday, January 4, 2015
s Island V.S Wong Dai Sin: A Series of Unfortunate Events
We as a team traveled all the way from Lai King to Causeway Bay just to do this match and that this is the first match of the year. We were ready for this. We waited for two whole months to play this match, and during this match there were a series of unfortunate events:

That was a image of me shooting the ball into the goal. The one wearing the brown jacket is me who is trying to shoot. Soon, the match started and we began to pass and kick. We used our tactics to pass through the players and aim for the goal. But then we lost the ball and got a counterattack which was very dangerous. We lost a goal, we felt bad for ourselves and depressed. But as soon, as the ball started, we striked again and we got a goal back. Which made us really happy. We then decided we should continue to beat this team. We piled them up like pieces of cake and won 7:2.
Lantau Island 7 : Wong Dai Sin 2
We celebrated as a team together, and we got free chocolate called Buenos. It tastes really good, and has lots of cream inside it. We
Here is a image of our group photo:

That was a image of me shooting the ball into the goal. The one wearing the brown jacket is me who is trying to shoot. Soon, the match started and we began to pass and kick. We used our tactics to pass through the players and aim for the goal. But then we lost the ball and got a counterattack which was very dangerous. We lost a goal, we felt bad for ourselves and depressed. But as soon, as the ball started, we striked again and we got a goal back. Which made us really happy. We then decided we should continue to beat this team. We piled them up like pieces of cake and won 7:2.
Lantau Island 7 : Wong Dai Sin 2
We celebrated as a team together, and we got free chocolate called Buenos. It tastes really good, and has lots of cream inside it. We
Here is a image of our group photo:
Friday, January 2, 2015
Taken 3 TAKEN MY LIFE!!!
It was January 1st on 2015 and this movie called Tak3n came out, also called Taken 3. We chose to watch it at 1:25 in the afternoon, so we decided to buy some snacks and this is what I found:
I found Dr. Pepper. Dr. Pepper is a american soft drink which tastes like candy. So, I bought it. It was 11.5 HK dollars. I was really look forward to drink it because it's a very special drink and that it was worth trying. So we went into the cinema and prepared to watch a movie which was expected to be really awesome and lots of gun shots and explosions. DIRECTED BY MICHAEL BAY
It was hard sneaking the food and drinks in, especially when our friend Casper decided to sneak his drink in the hard way by putting his drink up his trousers and decided to walk perfectly normal, as we passed the guards checking out tickets: Casper was pretending to be perfectly normal, and in result he passed the security without getting caught. I laughed like hell.
The movie was about to start I was worried because this movie was suggested by Casper because he saw the advertisement when we watched The Hobbit. So we were like: since Casper came all the way back from Ireland we would let him watch it. So now not going to be off topic, I decided to sit next to Esther. Just in case when she's scared I can help her. So the movie started off as a murder of a accountant. Which was pretty scary and makes your heart beat really fast.
Warning: The following paragraphs may contain spoilers for some.
So there was a guy named Bryan Mills, he is used to be a MI6 agent for the last 2 movies. I never watched the ones before and I decided I never will because I actually think the movie is not very good
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